The World Wide Web Celebrates it’s 30th Birthday

The idea of the World Wide Web was first introduced on March 12, 1989. Way before the craze of MySpace, Youtube, Facebook, and even Instagram, Tim Berners-Lee, a software engineer, was working hard on his proposal about a project he called the World Wide Web.

The 33-year-old British computer scientist introduced his vision for a computer network saved in a document named “Information Management: A Proposal” on March 12, 1989. His boss, Mike Sendall, commented that his vision was vague but exciting. The following year, he was allowed to work on his presentation. Berners-Lee’s vision of the world wide web was actually born out of frustration. During that time, computers had different information, and one was forced to constantly log in to different devices to get it.

He wanted to solve the inefficiency by building a hypertext database with typed links. He also wanted the web to be a universal source of information and a place where people can find their own space for work, play, and socialization.

By 1990, Berners-Lee was able to make the HyperText Markup Language or the HTML., the Uniform Resource Identifier or the URI/URL, and the Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP. He also made the world’s first web page browser and editor named “” as well as the first web server named “httpd.” A few months later, he completed the very first internet webpage followed by letting non-CERN involved individuals inside the young online world. It needed to be an open system if universality was its aim.

His vision, the world wide web, was finally made available to the world in April of ’93. And today, 30 years strong, the whole world enjoys the fruit of his labor. Is this the most meaningful invention of all time?

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