These birds help humans hunt for honey—but it’s not as sweet as you might think

What’s the weirdest thing you learned this week? Well, whatever it is, we promise you’ll have…

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Bioluminescence may have evolved 300 million years earlier than scientists previously thought

Many marine organisms–including sea worms, some jellyfish, sea pickles, and more–can emit ethereal glow through a…

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Lampreys offer clues to the origin of our fight-or-flight instinct

Lampreys look like something out of a horror movie, with their sucky mouths chock full of…

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Daddy long-legs-inspired robot could one day squirm through Martian caves

Robotic engineers are no stranger to turning to nature for inspiration. In recent years, birds, dogs,…

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New species of extinct marine reptile found with help from 11-year-old child

Paleontologists already know that the extinct marine reptile ichthyosaurs were enormous. Some newly described jawbone fossils…

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This butterfly hybrid thrived against evolutionary odds

Life may “find a way,” but how living things evolve is not a neat and orderly…

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Grizzlies are getting killed by roads, but the risks are bigger than roadkill

More than 4 million miles of roads crisscross the US. So it’s little surprise that roadkill…

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How super resilient tardigrades can fix their radiation-damaged DNA

Microscopic tardigrades have fascinated scientists for their incredible toughness since they were first discovered back in…

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This gnarly fungus makes cicadas hypersexual

As we wait for this spring and summer’s “cicadapocalypse,” when trillions will emerge across the Southern…

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Super-muscular 374-pound kangaroos once thumped around Australia and New Guinea

Earth used to be absolutely crawling with more megafauna. The fossil record is full of enormous…

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‘Peaceful’ bonobos bite and push each other, actually

From a human perspective, chimpanzees and bonobos often represent two sides of our very nature. Chimpanzees…

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Toothed whales traded chewing for echolocation to evolve

Dolphins and other toothed whales–or Odontocetes–use their heads to create sounds that help them communicate, navigate,…

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