Drones offer a glimpse inside Fukushima nuclear reactor 13 years after disaster

A team of miniature drones recently entered the radioactive ruins of one of Fukushima’s nuclear reactors…

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2,000 new characters from burnt-up ancient Greek scroll deciphered with AI

Damaged ancient papyrus scrolls dating back to the 1st century CE are finally being deciphered by…

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El Niño is back—here’s what that means

This year is going to be pretty unforgettable, and not in a good way. The National…

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New AI-based tsunami warning software could help save lives

To mitigate the death and disaster brought by tsunamis, people on the coasts need the most…

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How the Tonga eruption rang Earth ‘like a bell’

When the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano in Tonga exploded on January 15, 2022—setting off a sonic…

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In the future, your car could warn you about nearby wildfires

On a late summer day last year, an emergency test alert popped up for a small…

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That time the CDC got people hyped for a zombie apocalypse

Excerpted from If It Sounds Like a Quack: A Journey to the Fringes of American Medicine by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling. Copyright…

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