Material Found to Kill E. Coli in 30 seconds

Cluster of E. coli bacteria, magnified at 10,000 times. Researchers in Singapore have created a new…

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Researchers Find A New Way To Capture CO2

The team has created CO2 sorbents that are able to capture CO2 in larger numbers and…

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Rocketing Towards Safer Drug Delivery

An innovative 3-D inkjet printing method has allowed researchers from the University of Sheffield to take the…

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3D Printer Uses Light To Create Terahertz Lens

3-D printer uses power of light to create terahertz lens. Newly developed lens could be used for security imaging and biomedical…

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Scientists Create Sperm Cells From Skin Cells

A team of scientists in Spain have been able to create a human sperm cell using…

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Nanoparticle Therapy May Lead to More Effective Cancer Treatment

A new study reports that clusters of gold atoms formed into nanoparticles can effectively kill cancer…

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Thinnest, Lightest Solar Cells on the Planet Unveiled

The basic forms of solar cells currently on store shelves are weighty and bulky. However, that…

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Researchers Develop New Fiber-Optic Chemical Sensing Method Using Light

Researchers have created a fiber-optic based chemical sensing method that takes light within a fiber in…

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Fat-Fighting Nanoparticles May Hold Key to Treating Obesity

Researchers at MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have created nano-particles that have the ability to…

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‘Fool’s gold’ Relative Produces the Most Effective Solar-To-Hydrogen Efficiency Rate to Date

Producing hydrogen from sunlight could be a critical component of a sustainable energy future, according to…

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Scientists Create Ultra-Thin Graphene Sheet That Can Power a House

Scientists at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) in the University of Surrey have created a one-atom-thick…

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Researchers Create Unclonable Patterns to Help Prevent Counterfeiting

Researchers from the University of Luxembourg, University of Ljubljana and the University of Vienna have created…

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