Tiny worm with enormous eyes may have a ‘secret language’

Worm bodies might not seem all that interesting. However, a closer look can also reveal how…

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Humans can’t hear these frogs screaming

Amphibians are known for their bright colors and their low and bellowing croaks that often announce…

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These insects give off major red flags

Nature comes in wild colors, like the electric blue tarantulas and brightly spotted poison dart frogs.…

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New fossils of tiny, toothy early mammals could be a major missing link

The living mammal family tree is full of diverse species–big blue whales, great apes, bats, rodents,…

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Spider conversations decoded with the help of machine learning and contact microphones

Arachnids are born dancers. After millions of years of evolution, many species rely on fancy footwork…

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We were very wrong about birds

An enormous asteroid crashed into the Earth about 65 million years ago. While terrestrial dinosaurs like…

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These birds appear to be signaling ‘after you’

Non-verbal gestures are an integral part of how humans and some other organisms communicate, as with…

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Sadly, these live-streamed bald eagle eggs likely won’t hatch

Though they’ve captivated the internet since late February, three eagle eggs in a nest in Southern…

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Ireland was once home to deer with massive 12-foot antlers

Ireland may not be home to any snakes, but the island’s actual natural past and present…

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‘Spectacular’ new orchid species is pollinated by moths

Despite their reputation for being easy for aspiring plant parents to destroy, orchids can be found…

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Healthy reef soundscapes can help degraded coral reefs grow

Healthy reefs are known as  vibrant homes for colorful corals and fish.. As with any bustling…

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How citizen scientists are protecting ‘glass eels’

The Hudson River used to be among some of the most contaminated rivers in the United…

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