Bioluminescence may have evolved 300 million years earlier than scientists previously thought

Many marine organisms–including sea worms, some jellyfish, sea pickles, and more–can emit ethereal glow through a…

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Lampreys offer clues to the origin of our fight-or-flight instinct

Lampreys look like something out of a horror movie, with their sucky mouths chock full of…

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For the first time in one billion years, two lifeforms truly merged into one organism

Evolution is quite a wondrous and lengthy process, with some random bursts of activity that are…

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This butterfly hybrid thrived against evolutionary odds

Life may “find a way,” but how living things evolve is not a neat and orderly…

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How super resilient tardigrades can fix their radiation-damaged DNA

Microscopic tardigrades have fascinated scientists for their incredible toughness since they were first discovered back in…

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This gnarly fungus makes cicadas hypersexual

As we wait for this spring and summer’s “cicadapocalypse,” when trillions will emerge across the Southern…

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Earth’s stinkiest flower is threatened with extinction

As their giant petals open, the blooming of flowers in the genus Rafflesia brings with them…

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Super-muscular 374-pound kangaroos once thumped around Australia and New Guinea

Earth used to be absolutely crawling with more megafauna. The fossil record is full of enormous…

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The deepest known ocean virus lives under 29,000 feet of water

Marine virologists have found a novel virus living in the incredibly deep and dark Mariana Trench,…

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‘Peaceful’ bonobos bite and push each other, actually

From a human perspective, chimpanzees and bonobos often represent two sides of our very nature. Chimpanzees…

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Myrtle the Turtle ‘in robust condition’ at age 95

A green sea turtle believed to be up to 95 years young was given a clean…

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Toothed whales traded chewing for echolocation to evolve

Dolphins and other toothed whales–or Odontocetes–use their heads to create sounds that help them communicate, navigate,…

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